We offer free shipping during Easter!

April – Ships are launched, final work is done and the season can begin. This is how we know spring in the nautic industry.

This year everything is different and we work under different conditions. Nevertheless, we are trying to look positively into the season 2020, which also marks our 40th anniversary.
Many of you have been with us for decades and in recent days we have received an incredible amount of positive feedback from our customers. We are very grateful for this and would like to give you something back:

During the entire Easter weekend you can order all of our nautical charts free of shipping costs from our online shop.

We have adapted very well to the changed working conditions and our office will remain manned for you. We are available as usual and can process and ship your orders regularly.

In times like these, solidarity is especially important and we wish to return to normal as soon as possible, just like you.

Until then we are looking forward to your orders, wish you a happy Easter and hope you stay safe!
Your NV Team